Issue:  Many Xbar7 customers are reporting that they are not receiving email from Xbar7 for their monthly invoice or from the Xbar7 support system, or generally from any ‘’ email address including those from Oskar or Scott.

We have investigated these issues and have concluded they are mostly affecting those who use Google / Gmail for their primary email.

The reason appears to be that Google / Gmail systems have recently got much more aggressive about marking some incoming email as SPAM.   This means Google will automatically file those emails in your SPAM folder instead of your inbox and you may not see Xbar7 email unless you take action to find it.

If you think you are having this problem, please read on as we have put together some additional info on the issue and how to combat it.

If you aren’t sure if you use Google email, please contact us and we will help you figure that out.

Tip 1:  Learn how to review your Google SPAM folder and review it regularly to find emails that you wanted or expected to see in your inbox but which ended up in your SPAM folder. 

This practice will ensure that you don’t miss important email from Xbar7 and other businesses.

There are several good Internet tutorials on how to do this.  Here are a few that I find helpful when working with our customers.

Website:  Use the Google search to find emails.

Tip 2: Regularly mark or report incorrectly categorized ‘SPAM’ email as not SPAM.

By regularly reviewing the contents of your SPAM folder and by marking those that are not SPAM as not SPAM, you will train Google SPAM software to not treat those messages as SPAM.

Website:  report messages as NOT SPAM to Google. 

Tip 3:  Add the important sender address of Xbar7 emails to your Google/GMAIL contacts.  

Google software will be less likely to file a message from one of your known contacts to your SPAM folder.

The important addresses to add from are:

Website:  Adding email contacts to your Gmail/Google contacts

Some sites w/ helpful tips about how to keep legitimate email from your spam/junk folder.

How to create filters to ensure email doesn’t go to spam. 

How to find email in your spam folder and keep it from going there.

Apple email (,,, subscribers read below.

Apple also provides automatic junk/spam email filtering and periodically places not junk email in the junk email folder.   Instructions for training apple email to accept legitimate email into your inbox are here: .


Conclusion:  Follow the information above to ensure that critical Xbar7 emails are delivered to your GMAIL/Google inbox rather than your SPAM folder.